Thursday 31 August 2017

Hammurabi's Empire

Hammurabi was the most powerful ruler of this dynasty who ruled for about 42 years. He secured victory over many small kingdoms and developed one very large and great kingdom. Babylonian civilization was at its peak under the rule of this great king called Hammurabi. He was the first king who codified laws. He was also a great politician and administrator.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Mother Goddess

Various statues and seals obtained from excavations indicate the worship of the Mother Goddess in those days.There are seals of that age depicting woman feeding milk and the seals where tree is coming out of her womb. This indicates that people used to worship Mother Goddess.

Sources of Study of Indus Valley Civilization

In order to know about Indus Valley Civilization, you have to depend upon the information obtained through excavations. The script used n the seals has not yet been deciphered. However, you come to know about Indus Valley Civilization through buildings, roads, bathing ghats and wells etc. Various excavations have also given a number of statues, ornaments, toys, seals and pots etc. belonging to Indus Valley Civilization.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Contribution of Chinese Civilization

Various Chinese inventions, which created  history were the printing press, the compass, the solar watch, the wind-mill and the seismograph, an instrument to measure intensity of earthquake. The were the Chinese people who taught this art of paper making to Arabs and then they took it to Europe.
             In short, i say that:
  1. The concept of competitive exams was started in Chinese civilization.
  2. Printing ink and paper were invented in China.
  3. Paper currency, playing cards, gun-powder, seismograph were invented in Chinese civilization.
  4. Silken clothes and pottery were first used in Chinese civilization.

Contribution of Egyptian Civilization

Egyptian civilization contributed a lot in the field of education, literature, science, sculpture, art and culture etc. Matriarchal family system, picturesque script, knowledge of paper and ink, irrigation, construction of dams and canals, creation of panchang (calendar), construction of pyramids, temples, development of script and number, process of division and multiplication.
Temple of Egyptian Civilization

Monday 28 August 2017

Chaldean Empire and Its Civilization

Nebopolessar (625-604 B.C.), the chief of Chaldean tribe invaded and defeated Assyrian tribe and made Babylon as the capital of his kingdom. Nebuchad Najar was the most famous ruler of this tribe. After becoming king in 604 B.C., not only he extended his kingdom, he also invaded Jerusalem and defeated Jews. This incident is also mentioned in Bible. In memory of his queen, he got a garden planted, known as hanging garden.

This civilization was destroyed by Persian Emperor Cyrus.

Original Inhabitants of Sumerian

There are some scholars of the view that Mangols or Dravidians might have been the original inhabitants of Sumeria. There are also some scholars  of the view that Sumerian culture was a mixture of Aryan and Dravidian cultures.