Monday 21 August 2017

The Chinese Civilization

The Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations of the world. When the people in other parts of the world were living uncivilized and barbaric life, the Chinese people were living highly cultured life. Voltaire holds the view that, "The body of Chinese empire is alive without any change since 4000 years. Chinese laws, conventions, language and fashion are still the same as they were earlier. Civilization of Egypt, Babylonia and Greece are not alive today. They have become confined to the pages of history, but the Chinese civilization is still alive and amazing the world at large. The continuity of this civilization has made it great".

The Chinese civilization flourished in the valley of Hwang-Ho river. Just as the Euphrates and the Tigris had been a blessing for Mesopotamia, so also were the rivers Hwang-Ho and the Yangtisikiang for china. 

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