Friday, 25 August 2017

Comparison Between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization

  1. Agriculture. Both the similarities were predminantly agriculture.
  2. Domestication of Animals. There was domestication of animals in both the civilization.
  3. Eating Habits. The people of both the civilizations had almost similar eating habits.
  4. Dressing etc. The people of both the civilizations used almost similar kinds of ornaments and jewellery, dresses, make-up and hair- dressing.
  5. Knowledge of Cotton Industry. The people of both the civilization had the knowledge of cotton industry.
  1. Indus Valley Civilization was urban and Vedic Civilization was rural.
  2. Indus Valley Civilization emerged before Vedic Civilization. 
  3. Indus people were peace loving. Vedic people loved war.
  4. Indus people worshipped statues. Vedic people worshipped nature.
  5. There was no Varnashrama system in Indus Civilization. Varnashrama system was at the root of Vedic Civilization.

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